Called a full stop in British English and a period in American English, periods are among the easiest punctuations to use. While interrogative sentences end with a question mark, periods are used to end declarative sentences or statements.
Example: I would love to go on a hike.
Don’t forget to bring back my book tomorrow.
Periods and Quotation Marks
Confusion usually arises when a period needs to be placed next to another punctuation. In American English, at the end of a sentence, the period is placed inside the closing quotation mark.
Example: My mom always said, “Never give up on your dreams.”
Periods and Parentheses
The period should be placed inside the closing parenthesis if the sentence inside the parenthesis is complete and independent. However, the period should be placed outside the parentheses if the parenthetical sentence is part of the entire sentence.
Example: The drama club has been canceled by the college. (It’s a pity as I was just starting to like it.)
The college has decided to cancel the drama club (my favorite).
Periods and Ellipses
Having two main uses, an ellipsis (plural: ellipses) are written as three dots in a row. The first use is to denote omission from parts of a quote to ensure clarity. The second use is for literary effects that denote dramatic pauses and sentences that trail off. Also called suspension points, while ellipses shouldn’t be used in formal or academic writing, it can be used in informal or creative writing.
Example: It’s fine if… you want to leave the house.
My dad always says “you shouldn’t treat people badly… treat them the way you want to be treated.”
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