
Grammar tips

Grammar I Vs Me: A Common Grammar Mistake

When it comes to favorite grammar mistakes, there are few more popular, and few less often made, than the mistake with the pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’. Let’s have a look at some typical sentences with a mistake of this nature, and talk about why, in fact, those sentences are wrong. ‘Me and Jane went to […]

2 min read
Grammar Common Grammar Mistakes that Kill Credibility

We all make grammar mistakes (and anyone who says they don’t…well, let’s just they are not being entirely honest!) But in business, obviously, it’s better to keep those mistakes to a minimum. If you are going to make mistakes, then follow this advice: ·  Don’t make the sort of simple mistakes that ruin your credibility […]

4 min read
Grammar Who Vs That: A Common Grammar Mistake

What’s the difference between ‘who’ and ‘that’? That’s a good question, and here’s a rule for you: use ‘who’ when you are talking about people, and ‘that’ when you are talking about things. And that’s the end of the lesson! Except it isn’t, because things are a little more complicated than that. Because ‘that’ can […]

3 min read
Grammar Why Good Grammar is Crucial For Work

Bad grammar is becoming more prominent than ever, perhaps in part due to the relentless march of social media. But let’s not be too quick to point the finger, because bad grammar certainly existed in the time when only a bird was capable of producing a tweet. There is no doubt that social media has […]

3 min read
Grammar 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Learning a Language

Learning a second (or even third or fourth) language isn’t an easy thing to do: the sooner we acknowledge that is the case, and ignore the promises that we can pick up Spanish in a week (as some learning tools suggest), the easier it will be for everyone. In fact, that is probably the first, […]

4 min read
Grammar 3 Important Grammar Rules to Define Your Business English

Conducting business in English is a little different from speaking the language on an every-day level. That’s because the English we use in a meeting, in a work email, or in business literature in general, will be characterized by a formality that we rarely use when having normal conversations outside of work. English grammar is […]

4 min read
Grammar The 5 English Mistakes That (Unfortunately) Characterize Social Media Posts

Whether it’s a professional post on LinkedIn or branding on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, your social and professional media posts say a lot about you. But in our rush to communicate, the web is now littered with posts that contain basic grammar errors that, unfortunately, don’t reflect well on the author. If you want to […]

3 min read
Grammar Why Good Grammar is Important

Not everyone cares about good grammar. In fact, there are many who feel that pointing out incorrect usage of grammar is unnecessary because language is all about communicating. ‘You know what I mean!’ they will declare after their mistake has been highlighted! The idea amongst this group is that, as long as communication has been […]

3 min read
Grammar Confusing English Words and Punctuation Rules

Every language has tricky words that are difficult to use correctly. Many also have words that are difficult to spell. And then, of course, all languages will have particular punctuation rules that cause headaches. English has more than its fair share of all three of these things. Let’s have a look at some of the […]

4 min read
Grammar Why Good Grammar is Important When Online Dating

Believe it or not, in the competitive world of online dating, the way that you write matters! And it’s not just the content of your message, but the fundamental grammar and spelling that you use to convey that message. Quite simply, to many people, simple grammatical and spelling errors reflect badly on you, and can […]

3 min read